The best ways to store leftover paint can come in handy when you find that you a little more paint for your project than needed.  Having some leftover paint can actually be a good thing for 2 reasons. First, you may need some for small touch ups.  Second, you may be able to use the paint in another project around the house, saving yourself time and money.  More good news…if stored properly paint can be very durable.  So how should your store leftover paint?  Here are some tips!


People tend to store paint in a garage or shed.  This may work for other things you want to store out of the way, but it is not good for paint.  Extreme temperatures in winter and summer break down the chemical bond of paint – essentially ruining it.   It is best to store it in a climate-controlled area such as a closet or cabinet.  A basement could be another good option.  For the longest life try to select a dark, dry, cool space.

Cans and Jars

Gallon buckets are great for transporting your paint from store to home and it is the most popular way to sell paint, unless you need a 5-gallon bucket for large jobs.  But when that bucket is half full, continuing to store your paint in it will shorten the life span and take up a lot of storage space. It is best to transfer paint to a smaller container like a can or jar. 

A clear container works best for identifying the paint color in the future.  If there is more than an inch between the paint and the lid you can create an airtight seal by covering it with plastic wrap before you put on the lid.  You can also turn it upside down for more of an airtight seal.  

Be sure to label the container.  Include information such as the date, the color, where it was purchased and what items you painted with that paint.  Even if you can see the color this information will come in handy if you ever want to purchase more of the same color.

How Long Does Paint Last (if stored properly)

Now that you know the best ways to store leftover paint you need to have some idea of how long to keep it and when to dispose of it.

  • Latex paint – Two to ten years
  • Oil-based acrylic paint – Ten to fifteen years
  • Chalk paint – One to five years
  • Milk paint – One week to one years (depending on the type you use)

How to Tell if Paint is Bad

If the paint is smelly, lumpy or chunky these are the primary indicators that you paint has gone bad.  Lumps and chunks are indications that the paint has gone though repeated freeze and thaw cycles.  You may be able to use it, but you won’t get the smooth, beautiful finish you are looking for.

Smelly paint or rancid paint indicates some type of bacterial growth and should never be used.  And remember, if it smells in the can it will smell on your walls.  Trash this paint and buy new.

If your paint has simply separated and is not exhibiting lumping or smelling, it is still safe to use.  Turn the can over a few times and then stir with a paint stick to reconstitute it.  If you have questions about whether or not to use it, take a trip to your local paint store and ask!  

Proper Disposal of Old Paint

When its time to dispose of old paint, NEVER throw containers in the trash.  Paints contain chemicals that contaminate soil and water and are bad for the environment.  So how should you dispose of your old paint? 

  • Donate your paint to a church, Habitat for Humanity, school or other non-profit organization.  Some ReStore or Goodwill stores will accept paint
  • Take it to the proper waste collection center in your county
  • Latex paint can be dried out and disposed of in the trash.  Open the lid and add kitty litter until it is completely dry.  Replace lid and dispose. 

Final Thoughts

A professional painter can measure and estimate the amount of paint needed for your interior or exterior paint projects  This cuts down on waste and leaves you with just enough paint for touch ups in the future!  ColaTown Painting is your reliable, quality hometown painting team.  Call Britt 803-603-6486 for your no-obligation, free estimate for help with painting your home!  

ColaTown Painting

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